Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Religious History (Part 5)

I would love to be able to say that I was really supportive of Hubby's call. But I wasn't. Go off to seminary for three years? Move? What about jobs? What about our dogs? And most importantly...you want to talk about this when I'm pregnant!?

Pregnant. Full of hope and worry. Now I knew what could go wrong. I couldn't hold two things in my head. Job and new baby. That was it. I couldn't handle anything else. So seminary had to go on my back burner. Hubby applied, not without my knowledge but without me paying much attention. He got Inquirer status and took his Psych tests. And I knew about all of this but didn't dwell on it much. It must be hard to understand that I know. We'd talk about the future and seminary in snippets, for as long as I could handle. Hubby was so gentle with me. Now I realize how difficult it all was, trying to balance his call with my delicate feelings.

We had weekly appointments with a high-risk OB. Weekly ultrasounds. Praying for the baby to make it to 31 weeks when it would have a better chance in the NICU. We found out he was a boy rather early (weekly ultrasounds) and named him, feeling like we could know him better that way. I was silently convinced we'd lose him too.

Flash arrived 3 weeks early (Yay!) in February. We had a blood type problem between us so he needed a little extra care. But we went home on the same day! And he was huge in our eyes even though he was only 6.5 lbs. And he ate and slept and grew and when he was three weeks old I told Bill that it was OK, we could go to seminary now.

We told our jobs. Decided between two schools. Packed (with TONS of help from my wonderful Mother-in-law) and put the house up for sale. And we moved here in time for July Greek. Husband, wife, child and two dogs at seminary.

I realize now what good care we were in. God led us along gently. Seminary has been so good for both of us. Hubby is learning what he needs to know to be a good pastor and I have been learning about God's good grace through our story and through others'. Through the wonderful people we've met, I've seen a whole different side of religion, christianity and holiness that I never saw before we joined our church in Georgia, before I met Hubby. I have bible study group of wonderful christian women from different traditions and they are bringing me along too. God is showing me through the wonderful people I have met and looking back..he's been with me through many of the people that helped me along the way. I wish I'd known sooner.


Kate said...

Hey there, HPW2B!

I've been enjoying your blog and just wanted to let you know.

What year is hubby in at seminary?

hip2b said...

We're comin' into the home stretch.