Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Let's get happy! -some kid jokes

The performer hired for yesterday's library program came a half hour late. GRRR.
I volunteered to "entertain the troops" while my co-worker phoned and waited.
So I asked if anyone had a joke they would like to share.
These are a few of the good ones (they are 3-5 graders).

What's brown and sticky?-------------A stick!
What did the digital clock say to the Grandfather clock?---------------Look! No hands!
What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back -------------A stick!
Why don't bicycles ride themselves?----------------------They're two tired!
and my personal favorite
What do you get when you mix onions and beans?----------Teargas!

1 comment:

Girl said...

Heh...I like the first one. If you don't know the can expect that it is something else.