Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memorial day

Today at the school Town Meeting ( every Thurs).
The principal asked a student to come down and help him lead the Pledge of Alligence.
No big deal.
He asked if there was anyone in the world that could come and help her lead it, who would that be? She shrugged and hedged...
but the rest of us could see a man in uniform coming up behind her.
Her older brother.
And she jumped up and hugged him with arms and legs!
The other kids were screaming, the adults were all a little teary.
He's home for a few weeks and helped lead the pledge.
It was beautiful and fantastic and I thought I'd share.


Terri said...

oh. that is awesome...

mid-life rookie said...

As my niece once put it, my eyes are leaking. Thanks for taking time to share.