Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Interview...

It went well. Very well.
Too well. Scary well.

Pros: Small school, great principal, 4 days a week,
paycheck, just looks like a good place to start.

Cons: 40 minute commute on a good day, pregnant.

When do I tell them?
I didn't say anything during the interview,
but I would feel terrible if I accepted the job and they didn't know.
It feels dishonest.
Advice please?
oh and prayers.

1 comment:

Terri said...

YAY YAY YAY!!! I think the pregnancy is, on the one hand none of their business...sigh...but of course in the REAL world it is their business and any woman of integrity would tell them....but not before you enter into final negotiations - after they have said they WANT you...until them, it really is none of their business.

Be prepared to negotiate a reasonable maternity leave that honors what they need and you...whatever that might be...which it seems to me could mean Nov. through Christmas break and returning at the beginning of the spring term in January? Which, all things considered, one week of your leave (or there abouts) would be included in an already scheduled break...

Anyway, no need to say anything until you enter final negotiations.

Praying for you!!!