Tuesday, July 15, 2008


The ultrasound was fine.
Lovely tech who has 6 kids of her own.
Liam came with us,
because I thought he'd enjoy seeing the baby
but he was unruly and didn't really get it.
Live and Learn.

Baby looks healthy,
has all the parts that are important, for 18 weeks 6 days
(they are so technical with that...I count a new week every Sunday).
As for gender, she couldn't tell.
Baby was facing strangely
with its bottom towards my spine and legs crossed.
So, no gender yet.
I was hoping to know, I admit it. But Baby is shy.

I'm not sure if we'll know before the birth now.
If all is going well, we may not have another ultrasound.
And I really want everything to go well.
So for now...its just Baby.


GEB said...

So glad the baby is looking good! So a little more suspense still built in...

Have a great vacation.

Terri said...

Oh, phewy...was hoping to know....Still, I did not know the gender of either of my children...it was OK to wait and find out. But that was 16 and 20 years ago...waiting is less common now. Either way, the important thing is a healthy baby.

Biblia said...

Yay glad to hear baby is well! I'm getting a boy vibe. We'll see. :-) Thanksgiving baby - you could call him/her Squanto or some nice pilgrim name like Patience or some other virtue. :-P This is my daughter, "Serendipity." Nice!

revhipchick said...

congratuations! i'm so behind the times.

congrats! congrats! congrats!

my favorite part of the ultrasound is getting a peek of those beautiful "zippers" (spines). my very first child had spina bifida and anecephaly so i get terribly excited about good "zippers"--they have a special beauty of their own.

wonderful! so excited for you, your DH, and Flash!