Sunday, June 08, 2008

Church Envy

Don't get me wrong, I really like our church and Lord I konw that church's aren't perfect...
But I'm having a little church envy.
We went to another church's festival in our town
and had a ball!
Christian rock band
all free to whoever wanted to come.
Loads of kids and families and teens.

We're tiny
OK much older
and will NEVER do anything half as cool as today's festival.
And if I was someone different
I'd go to their church.

So, how do you reconcile it?
I can't change our church and I can't go somewhere else.
Its only in last few years that I've really come to enjoy church,
and want to be a part of it
and now I'm becoming frustrated.

1 comment:

Terri said...

I know exactly how you feel...