Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Recipes for a Sore Throat

I have a "garden variety" cold and lost my voice for two days. I am still working to get it back. Right now I feel fine, but still sound like Kathleen Turner (which is just fine with my hubby).

Anyway, people have stopped me in the library, church, pharmacy, everywhere with sore throat recipes. I hereby pass them along as a public service. I am attaching the origin of a few of these only because I had not heard them before and suspect they are cultural remedies.

Chicken soup (naturally)
hot tea with:
green tea (this person recommends this for everything, including splinters I guess)
hot water with cayenne pepper (as hot as you can stand - my African American neighbor)
orange juice
hot pear "slushie" with ginger (the Korean woman who sits in front of me at church)
stewed pears with sugar (my Chinese co-worker, "Pears are good for the voice")
popsicles and ice cream (children primarily)

I tried almost all of them. I am reminded though, that colds go away in 7 days or, with medicine, one week.

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