Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday5: Misused words

The Revgals have posted their Friday suggestion.

"Please tell us five words you had to think about really hard before saying them out loud for the first time, or that you discovered you had misapprehended when someone corrected your pronunciation. "

I don't think I can come up with five. But here goes:
1. supercilious - I didn't pronounce it wrong..I had the meaning wrong.
2. prejudice - The first time I used it I said prEE-jud-iss. A few weeks ago young lady at church read the word alimony aloud, but she said uh-lim-ony. At one time, these words were foreign concepts!
3. sects (There is a class at this seminary called Sects and Cults. Giggle!)
4. OK, not mine, but I love the way little kids say spaghetti, don't you? I heard one the other day say "spuh-betty". Flash says "sketti". But, sometimes our floor gets "slippily".
5. ?

For fun, check out Add your own!


Anonymous said...

Spaghetti's a good one - when I was little I used to call it ba-sketty!

Sally said...

He'd kill me if he knew I'd told, but my younger brother used to say basketti- spagetti