Friday, November 14, 2008


1. I feel like we're past Veteran's Day here.
The church part was last Sunday and at school we had an assembly.
It was very nice.

2. We had a death in the church family this week,
so things have been busy with arrangements.
Last night, the visitation, today the funeral, graveside service and luncheon.
Tonight, rescheduled session meeting.
I am looking forward to getting my husband back.

3. Dr's appointment went well, still on schedule for the day before Thanksgiving

4. Tomorrow, my big license test.

5. I'm thinking date night tomorrow
after the test
and the past few crazy weeks
and less than 2 weeks to being the parents of 2.
Probably the new James Bond flick.
Now to find a babysitter...

1 comment:

Terri said...

ohhh...good idea, a date night...hope the test goes well and the movie is good!