Saturday, October 25, 2008


My teaching license is reciprocal, which means that its good for a year
...provided I take two classes and pass the Praxis and Praxis 2.
Took the classes this problem.
Procrastinated way too long on the tests though.
So, I'm taking the Praxis 1 on Monday morning...8 months pregnant.
And Praxis 2? Two weeks before I'm due.

I am worried.
I haven't had a lot of time to study, with the new job and being pregnant and everything else. Plus I constantly feel... less than smart.
I know its the absent-minded scatterbrained pregnant thing
but not the ideal circumstances for test-taking.

The due date for my license is there's time if need be.
But I guess what I'm really saying is...
Prayers please?


Terri said...

Yup, those pregnant hormones make us feel, well, scattered....but here's a story that I hope helps...I decided to become a massage therapist, in 1991. It required 14 months of intensive work, especially learning all the muscles and bones and ligaments and tendons in the body, how they work and where they are connected. Then I had to learn massage techniques to deal with all of the above along with such things Trigger Points, which are knots in the muscle. 5 months into the program I got I had to take all the rest of the course, including doing massages with an ever growing bigger belly....and of course lots of tests.

That said, you'll do fine. Study if you can or as you can. And trust yourself. You know this stuff.

Oh, my son was born a week before gradtuation. He came to the last class and then the ceremony - 'cuz everyone knew him anyway!

hip2b said...

I think I passed!

Biblia said...

I'm sure you passed - I did those exams and don't even have a teaching degree! And at least you were on the ground - my sister did her pilot's license at 8 months pregnant. :-)