Monday, January 14, 2008

Not much to say...

Waters receding
lifted up and drying out
soldiering on.

Our church is "playing to its strengths" with the clothes closet.
We may gather a group to do a clean-up day...
but for now the clothes closet has spilled out of its two rooms into the Fellowship Hall.
Hubby and a church member were interviewed on TV news last night
so I imagine it was busy there today.

Flash and I spent the day together doing home things.
I should mention that our home was completely unscathed...we are on high ground here.
Finally got down the horrible border in the back bedroom.
Making applesauce so the house smells wonderful.


Terri said...

wow wow wow...I'm glad you all are safe, even as I am sorry that others were affected by flood waters...

what a weird weird it will be like 5 degrees this weekend...sigh...

hip2b said...

Some were saying that there is a rush to get wet carpets and stuff out before the temperature drops again, otherwise it'll all freeze.