Monday, December 03, 2007

Recipe for a crowd

Its the holidays
and you may have a crowd for breakfast.
This is cheap, easy and requires your crockpot.

The ratio is 1 to 3
1 cup of oats to 3 cups of water
2 cups of oats to 6 cups of water
(the 2 to 6 feeds at least 5)

Put in the oats and water at bedtime.
Put the crockpot on Low.
Plug it in (this is key)
Wake up in the morning and stir.
Set out bowls, spoons, milk, raisins, syrup, butter or whatever your guests/crowd may like.
Go back to bed.

I made this last night for just our family of three.
Forgetting that Flash would want "the usual": Graham crackers and milk
and that we've discovered that Hubby breaks out in hives when he eats oats.
Oh well.
Maybe this recipe will help you.

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