Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ocean's etc.

Well I promised an update on the movie and I've been tagged to do 8 RANDOM THings about me.

Ocean's 13 was better than 12 but not as good as 11.
Eddie Izzard is in it and not used to full advantage.
A lot of the gags are "telegraphed" so you can see the larger twists coming.
No huge twist.
In the first movie, Rusty was always eating something...not in the second and then again now in the third. Better for his character to be munching I think.
I do think I'll see it again though. Netflix.

8 RanDom ThinGs about Me

1. I was president of my college Juggling Club, and yes, I can juggle.
2. I would like to decorate my home (not this apartment) to look like a beach house.
3. I love my freckles and was so pleased when Flash developed some.
4. My recipe box is a record of people I've known, and the box is a plastic file box since the paper-eating dog (Max) decided it looked tasty.
5. I'm good with people and pets, but terrible with plants. We have three and I'd really like to "cull the herd"
6. I really enjoy reading the gossip blogs and magazines and I know far too much about pop culture.
7. I started to learn chess last August and I am regularly beaten by children in my afterschool chess program.
8. I went to college thinking I'd be a dentist.


Terri said...

Oh, phewy on 13. I really wanted it to be GREAT!

thanks for playing the random 8 things - fun to read these about you. Juggling, wow. And, yes I read some of the gossip mags, I have a hidden fascination with the stars...so I read them while getting my hair cut, or at the Dr.'s office...but I don't subscribe or buy them....

Rev SS said...

Great play .. juggling sounds fun ... chess, not so much! (I like Backgammon tho'.)

revhipchick said...

darn! i was just coming to tag you!

oh well, it was great fun to read your 8 anyway!

dentistry? interesting!