Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Spies like them

Bourne Ultimatum was fantastic by the way.
And we adults are not the only ones who love those movies.
Kids love spies.
Think SpyKids (1-3), Cody Banks,
Kim Possible ( and her pal Ron Stoppable)
and Alex Rider (the books are fantastic; the movie...ho hum).

So the kid in front of me wants books like that.
And he's read Alex Rider,
and those books by McNab (traitor and paycheck)
and the young James Bond novels.
And he's not old enough for
Ludlum, Clancy, or even real James Bond novels.
Not interested in fantasy much (thinking Artemis Fowl here, but he's read them too),
and not interested in the superhero angle either (Chance Fortune, or Ordinary Boy).

The kids that read the most are so much harder than the ones who "don't like to read".
Theres the challenge that one book could turn that kid into a voracious reader.
But the voracious readers, me, we just get pickier and pickier.

So, I told him.
"Until you get a little older, or someone writes something new,
I think you will have to write these spy books for yourself."


Anonymous said...

What a great response to an avid reader!!

revhipchick said...

perhaps you just inspired that kid to write one awesome book!

i think it's great! you're great!