Friday, August 10, 2007


Today's Friday 5 is about stress
and I have to say that I am almost officially stressed out.
What do they say are some of the biggies for stress?
Um Moving, new jobs...stuff like that.
So this is so appropriate!

1. First, and before we start busting stress, what causes you the most stress, is it big things or the small stuff ?
Does it matter?
I tend to be more of a big picture person so big stuff mostly.
I am not going to freak out over a stain, running out of toothpaste or those sorts of things. Although I also don't get totally bothered by things like in "The Day after Tomorrow".

2. Exercise or chocolate for stress busting ( or maybe something else) ?
Exercise. What's that?
At the moment my time for exercise is curtailed by a 3 hour per day commute.
Chocolate is fabulous and more time savvy! See I'm saving time!
And I can always multitask with chocolate.
My commute hasn't been as stress inducing
as I thought it would be, thanks to CD-books.
My job is crazy but strangely calm and familiar right now so that helps too.
Diet cola, fancy painted toenails and the Chick-fil-a on my way home seem to helps also.

3.What is your favourite music to chill out to?
I don't like mellow slow music, never have.
Has to be bouncy jangly beats for me.
Not really into music for relaxing I guess.

4. Where do you go to chill?
I would go to the porch, with some iced coffee or tea
and watch everyone go by or read a magazine.

5. Extrovert or introvert, do you relax at a party, or do you prefer a solitary walk?
Party! People!
If I'm not throwing the party especially,
and if I'm not in charge of figuring out what my boy is up to.
Solitary walks are wonderful, on occaision.
Family walks are also wonderful.

Bonus- share your favourite stress busting tip!
Well, having established that this
stress-busting thing is not my forte,
I am open to suggestions that are not too new-agey or mellow.
I will share that Hubby and I are having a date night tonight! And TGIF!


Di said...

I love CD books-- they make driving so much nicer.

Deb said...

yeah. I need people too. And the 3 hour commute sucks... truly!


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

I so hear you about packing and moving. I browsed your blog and see that you have a call...albeit it far away. Blessings as you continue this journey.

And have a great time on your date!!!

rev h-d said...

Ejoy the date night. Hubbie and I are planning one for our 5th anniversary on the 24th. Can you say countdown?

Terri said...

a three hour per day commute. i've done fun...books on cd a must.

have a great date night!

revhipchick said...

i can hardly imagine a 3 hour commute!

i hope you had a wonderful time on your date tonight!

i'd love to kick back on the beach with some margaritas and you anyday! dancing like crazy that night!
