Monday, July 16, 2007


My mother's dear friend has been in need of a kidney transplant
for over 10 years.
Her health has been up and down from bad to worse,
and she's very difficult to match, something about markers.

Last Thursday night she got a call to come to the hospital,
they had a kidney for her, with the right markers.
They prepped her, and the other transplant recipient
(two kidneys from the donor).

And then
The donor kidney that was to go to her was cancerous,
but the other one was healthy.
The doctors talked to the other recipient,
explaining about the markers,
how it was so rare to find this rare type that matched perfectly,
about her chances.

They said the next kidney would be his.
He was prepped and ready
...and he gave it to her.
He gave her the kidney that he needed desparately too.
He gave it to her.

Two miracles.
Thank you whoever you are!
I'm praying for your kidney too!

1 comment:

Terri said...

Wow. That is really a miracle!