Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday5: Looking back, looking forward

Sally at the Revgals writes"When I began work here at Downham Market a wise friend told me that after one year I would see a few changes and sense God at work- years two and three would cause me to question and to wonder why I had chosen to accept the post here and in year four I might see the beginnings of something new.And so with that in mind alongside yesterdays celebrations I bring you Friday 5"

Looking back, looking forward..
1. Share a moment/ time of real encouragement in your journey of faith
I've been coming along this bumpy road for a while, I guess.
Hubby is my guide.
My Bible Study ladies, church family and thre revgals encourage me.
Just by being strong people of faith...and real people too.

2. Do you have a current vision / dream for your work/ family/ministry?
A home, a church, a job,
a library job for me, school for Flash, friends for all of us.
You know, just, everything.

3.Money is no object and so you will.....
I guess this is for my ministry right?
This doesn't really apply to me I guess.
Although if I won the lottery I'd pay off debts,
Tithe, and take some time off to re-evaluate.
And seriously consider opening my own ice cream place.

4. How do you see your way through the disappointments? What keeps you going?
Ice cream.
I mean, Prayer?
I have an optimistic spirit that makes me feel like it'll all work out OK.
Not quite "God has a plan" but something very much like that.
And after dark nights, most things look better in the morning.

5. How important are your roots?
Pretty important.
The older I get the more I realize
that my foundation in my family,
as well as just genes, has played an enormous part in my life.
I've really enjoyed living near my family
as an adult these past few years.

6. Bonus= what would you like to add ?
Very large numbers in my head.


Sally said...

love the ice-cream parlour dream!

Great play :-)

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

I heard on the radio today that along with all other things dairy the price of ice cream will go up too (ie, skyrocket).. augh! Supposedly something to do with more corn going towards ethanol and farmers paying more for feed for cattle...yadda, yadda, yadda.

Anonymous said...

What a great bonus play...I'll have to visit your blog more often :)

Terri said...

My husband and I made it through seminary and the early days of ministry by each of us eating a LARGE bowl of ice cream every night just before bed time. It was our way to "chill" out after a long hard day of work and, I really get the ice cream dream and vision!

And, yes, as you can tell, I am the perpetual optimist - but so far it hasn't hurt me to be so...

enjoyed your play!