Friday, September 29, 2006

Groupies: Friday 5

Here's the Revgal meme...
1. Tell us about any group(s) you currently belong to. (e.g. book club, knitting circle, walking buddies, etc.)
I have a little bible study group that meets once a week. I love this little group. We meet in our homes with tea and cake and study a book of the bible one chapter at a time usually. This year we're studying Jesus'parables.

2. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? If the answer is "it depends," on what does it depend?
I'm energized by group interaction, but my job is very social so sometimes too much activity burns me out. That being said, I'm an extrovert.

3. Is there a role you naturally find yourself playing in group situations? That is, do you naturally fall into the leader role, or the one who always makes sure the new person feels welcome, or the quiet one who sits back and lets others shine, or the host?
I tend to talk and clarify and lead if no one else does...this is not necessarily because I want to lead though.

4. Handshakes vs. hugs: discuss.
Handshakes are a little formal for me, but acceptable. Hugs can be a little too much, so I like one of those one armed hug things. It should have a name, shouldn't it?

5. Ice breakers: a playful way to build community in a lighthearted manner, or a complete and utter hell of forced fun and awkwardness? I think they're fun but contrived...I "get" their usefullness. We had to do one once in this group of County Supervisors,: librarians, Water and Sewers folks, police, County execs, mechanics; a real cross-section with the commonality that we supervised more than 5 people. We had to write down one surprising thing about us. But we didn't know each other! It was kind of funny I guess, but it ended up with us guessing based on stereotypes. We were ALL surprised by "I enjoy skydiving". It was a colleague in the library, but we all guessed the it was the policeman . I was president of my college juggling team, they thought that was the lanky fun guy from IT.

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