Tuesday, June 13, 2006

My Summer Reading Club!

I am starting my summer reading resolution right now. You are all witnesses.
This summer I will read 6 books that I don't want to. Yes, you heard me right! A Classic I Missed, a Genre that I don't normally read, something serious, something someone I love has recommended (yikes!), an adult prize/award winner and umm... another book to be decided later.

Why? As a librarian everyone expects that I read everything, or that I read very literary tomes. Fact is, I have my pet authors, pet genres and "work" reading like everyone else. So, I'm in a rut and I need to get out. I need a challenge! I need to know "of what she speaks".

Why six? Alright...drag the kids away from the computer screen. Research shows that reading just six books during the summer keeps a struggling reader from regressing. I am still looking for the reference for this, forgive me. Am I struggling? Am I regressing? Maybe not in the sense these researchers think, but I will read my six books this summer and count it as mental exercise!

Based on this http://www.delcolibraries.org/ReadersSites_ResBill.htm

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh Kate! What a lovely idea! I'm jumping on your bandwagon and doing this too. It helps that there's an adult Summer Reading Program at the library this year....and employees can win the prizes. :-)