Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday5: Ice Cream and New Orleans

From the Revgals...
1. Ice cream: for warm weather only or a year-round food? Year round but possibly better in summer.
2. Favorite flavor - Rocky Road or something else chocolate with "stuff" in it.
3. Cake cone, sugar cone, waffle cone, cup? a big bowl please, and a real spoon
4. Childhood ice-cream memory Hmmmm. There's a wonderful place in Cape Cod called the Sundae School that I remember. My mom went on a date, with us kids when we were young and the fellow took us all to Howard Johnson's and he had the Monster Sundae that was served in a bucket! WE had kid's sundaes which was a huge treat for us but it was so amazing watching this man "put it away". But mostly I will reiterate that my family loves ice cream cake and sereves it at every possible occaision.
5. Banana splits: Never had...willing to try.

About New Orleans... I am having a ball. As a vacation and conference city, New Orleans is doing Great. I saw a little bit of the destruction and trailers on my way to the hotel and yes, its very sad. But everyone I have met is positive, friendly and glad to see us! If you've been waiting to come to New Orleans...stop waiting and come on down y'all. They'll be glad to see you too.

1 comment:

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Sudae School?? LOL!