Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday5:Rain, Rain go Away

The revgals have said it best. It has been a very, very, very rainy spring.
It is hard to think of anything else.
Today's Friday Five asks, then, five questions about rain, all intended to help us look on the bright side of life. Let a smile be your umbrella!!

1. Favorite way to spend a rainy day:
Sleeping, making pancakes, Cuddling up in my chair with a blanket, cocoa and a book or movie, followed by a walk stamping in puddles with Flash and Hubby and looking for rainbows.

2. Favorite song about rain
Its Raining Men? Hey, its catchy!

3. Favorite movie featuring rain
Absolutely has to be Singin' in the Rain. Singing! Dancing! Good clean fun!
For a book though, it has to be Thundercake by Patricia Polacco. A young girl bakes a special cake with her Grandmother that must be in the oven before the rain comes. In her haste she forgets her fear of thunder. The recipe is provided, and although unusual, it is delicious.

4. Favorite piece of raingear, past or present
I had one of those see-through kid's umbrellas when I was young. That was wonderful.

5. Favorite word for rain
My grandfather has the word mizzle, which is a combination of mist and drizzle.
As kids we called storms Thunderboomers!

We had quite a storm last week as we were putting Flash to bed. He was rushing from window to window trying to see the "Garbage trucks!". The only frame of reference he had for thunder was the giant garbage trucks dumping the dumpsters outside. I let hubby explain it to him, I was laughing too hard


Rachel Nguyen said...

Oh, I wish I had thought of 'It's raining men"!!! What a blast from the past that is! LOL.

Leslee said...

Flash sounds like the coolest kid! Thanks for visting my blog today.

Emily said...

Thanks for stopping by my place too! Send some rain our way.

Unknown said...

Yes, mizzle is a great word. We had some earlier, but now it is downpouring again...
Thanks for playing!!