Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday5: Popcorn movies

This week's questions from the revgals are inspired by the various summer films currently in the theaters or soon to be released.

1. If you were a mutant, what superpower ability would you like to have?
TELEPORTATION with the ability to bring along other people and objects. Think of all the time I would save by teleporting from home to work to school. It would be good for the environment and so long as I am dreaming, would burn some calories somehow.

2. Tell us about a memorable road trip you've experienced.
Sigh. I really need to take a road trip. Um...oh dear. Coming up with nothing. That's so sad.

3. Do you enjoy solving riddles and working on puzzles? If so, what kinds?
Yes. But not everyday. I like to do word finds, especially on planes. Sudoku can be fun if you have a solid hour that you really can't do anything better with, and truth-be-told that time is already filled.

4. Take two of your phobias and combine them to make a campy horror/disaster flick. What would it be called?

A doctor's office is no place to visit at midnight.

5. Just how crazy is Tom Cruise, anyway?
Very, there is even a website about it.

I haven't seen a movie in a long time. With a babysitter, two tickets and legal snacks a movie now costs about $40, and they have commercials! My netflix subscription is much cheaper and my couch and snacks are better than their crummy movie theater's. But just as air-conditioning and TV have taken people out of public situations, home theaters have isolated us again. How do we combat this? Check around your area for family friendly open-air screenings this summer or invite some friends over to see a movie, like when you were in college. That'll teach em!

But I am interested in seeing X-Men 3. I am told that its very good and has a worthwhile message. And yes...I have seen the other two. I would also like to see Thank you for Smoking because I loved the book by Christopher Buckley and Kinky Boots. Looks like the theater will get some $ out of me after all.

1 comment:

Jody Harrington said...

My daughters highly recommend the movie, Thank you for Smoking.I loved the book, too!