Sunday, April 19, 2009


Fell behind on my blogging again!
Here's what on my mind...
1. Hubby and Flash are ill this weekend.
2. The lady who took care of Cosy in nursery during church didn't know to attach the diaper with the sticky tabs and repacked the dirty one into the diaper bag...hmmm.
3. Flash's school play was fantastic and we have it on tape to show the grandparents when and if they come to visit.
4. I am REALLY going to try to get home for Thanksgiving even though its a pain to travel then.
5. I think my Dad is sicker than he's letting on.
6. There are 3 big boxes of brand new children's books sitting in my office waiting for me!
7. Hair color
8. Home repair and my garage sale.
9. Cosy has discovered her toes and she likes them. I am dressing her in feetless outfits so she can play with them.
10. Something chocolate would be lovely right now.

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