Monday, September 08, 2008

I hereby resolve to ...

1. Walk more
2. Stress less, pray more
3. Read more kid's books! (Yes, its possible)
4. Keep my political views to myself
5. Feed Flash a vegetable other than cucumbers
6. Take better care of the car
7. Enjoy things more
8. Gripe less
9. Have breakfast with Flash every morning
10. Go to bed at a reasonable time...ooops.



Terri said...

I try to keep my politics to myself...especially in the church...but they need an outlet someplace...hope you have some folks you can share with...

my son only ate cucumbers and watermelon, his only veggie and fruit for years...I could just see the pediatrician shaking her head (at me, as if I were a bad mom)....but now, at 16 - he eats most anything...

otherwise...yeah, walk more..stress less, pray more...and all those other things...

hip2b said...

I've been frustrated lately at people for talking politics with me, as if I must agree with them and I don't feel like arguing, or revealing my POV. Just a pet peeve I guess.
Flash loves cucumbers. Loves them. Would prefer to eat them whole, like corn...NOT in slices.