Tuesday, August 12, 2008

School bells

Well it started today!
I am still climbing that learning curve and will be for a while but the kids came today and despite some glitches (mostly busing problems) everything went OK. Tomorrow I actually have students coming to my library for a lesson. No checkout, cuz I haven't figured that out yet. But a wonderful woman who knows all is supposed to come and straighten me out tomorrow. I hope so.

Then I dashed home (40 min) picked up Flash at camp, ran by Micky D's for a Happy meal on the way to soccer practice. The first soccer practice, which went quite well all things considering. He was only an alien for part of practice. Mostly the end part when the kids had devolved and the coach hadn't realized it yet. Unfortunately he seems to be a soccer player in the mode of his Uncle Alex, who was really good and played in college, but was known as an "enforcer" I think. Meaning that he'd get the ball and mow down folks in the pursuit. But it was just the first practice, and the first game on Saturday should be a hoot.


Terri said...

my son loved soccer for a few years...and it was really fun to watch the games and cheer them on.

Biblia said...

School's already in session? August 12?