Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday5 from the REVgals!

"Friends, it's nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. and it's the time of year when we are pressed to name things for which we are thankful. I want to offer a twist on the usual lists and use Paul's letter to the church at Philippi as a model.

Name five things that are true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent or worthy of praise. These could be people, organizations, acts, ideas, works of art, pieces of music--whatever comes to mind for you."

Wow. Ok, I'll give it a shot.
Worthy of Praise:

Whew. Um, truthfully, this made me think of our military men and women. We had a very touching presentation at church for Veteran's Day and it has really stuck with me this week. We have a lot of ties to the military as a family, although not in our immediate family. We have a lot of ties to the military in our church and in this community. I don't think our family is a minority in this.
A local bridge was dedicated to
Veteran's last week and a friend remarked that he was so pleased that his nephew, a soldier, will have to cross that bridge on his way home, when he comes home. And Hubby has recently been to the VA Home.
I guess I am thinking about Thanksgiving and gratitude to them, regardless of your politics. If Service men and women aren't on your prayer list, please put them there.

1 comment:

Terri said...

my son in law is stationed in Afghanistan...I worry about him, and his safety, every day. And all the other men and women serving in places and times of danger...

I also worry about those who are being affected by those things and actions that cause the "danger"...the families...