Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday5: Either or...

There are two kinds of people :
those who divide people into two kinds of people
and those who don't. So here goes...

1.Mac? or PC?
I have never owned my own computer,
all the computers I use are PC.

2. Pizza: Chicago style or New York?
MMMMM Pizza. Where I grew up, outside of Philly,
all the pizza places were Greek!
I love greek style pizza and I love pizza with lots of sauce
and I think I'm not very picky about it's derivation.

3. Brownies/fudge containing nuts:
a) Good. I like the variation in texture.
b) An abomination unto the Lord. The nuts take up valuable chocolate space.
No Nuts, unless that means no brownies...
and no brownies would be terrible!
I still stock up on White Lily triple chocolate brownie mix
when I'm down south, cuz I can't get it here (and haven't decided to order it online).

4. Do you hang your toilet paper so that the "tail" hangs flush with the wall, or over the top of the roll like normal people do?
I was once corrected by someone snooty
that it should hang over the top like fancy hotels do,
so they can make the little triangle. I rarely make the triangle though.

5. Toothpaste: Do you squeeze the tube wantonly in the middle,
or squeeze from the bottom and flatten as you go just like the tube instructs?
Wantonly, much to the displeasure of Hubby.
If thats all he has to complain about, life is going pretty darn great!

Couldn't think of a bonus question...sorry.


LutheranChik said...

I love Greek pizza so much...and it is nigh unto impossible to find up here in Outer Podunk, Michigan. Bell's Greek Pizza in East Lansing, across from MSU, rocks.

Tripp Hudgins said...

Fancy I miss the fancy triangles.

Sr. Heather said...

<snicker> on the triangle thing... I once went to a conference at a really swanky resort hotel. And the maids would come in anytime they saw you go in and out of your room. I went in to check messages and use the facility several times over the course of the day, and each time I returned, I found that the tp had been refolded into a triangle. So I started triangling it myself, because I felt guilty. :-)

Happy Friday!

Anonymous said...

I remember the traingels, too. Always wondered what the point was :)

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

Triangles? Life is so short why bother? My theory is much the same on the toothpaste... who has time to roll up the end?

Rev SS said...

love the triangle stories .. spent the night with a friend recently, and knew her house cleaner had been the last one in the guest br, 'cause she left her "triangle" sign

Terri said...

I guess I have never been in a swanky enough hotel...don't know the triangle thing with TP...

and who needs bonus questions anyway...too much pressure to think, I'd rather be outside, it's a glorious day here...well it's almost night now...but it has been wonderful.

Jason said...

Wow. Everybody loves the triangles!

We used to do TP over the top, but then found out that baby, now Toddler Dean, could spin it loose that way.

When it runs back against the wall, he can spin it & have fun without emptying the roll, so...