Sunday, November 05, 2006

Build-it Day

On the 1st Saturday of the month a certain orange hued big Build-it store has a FREE Kids workshop. It goes 9-12, drop-in, and you and your child can build a something (yesterday it was a picture frame) and if you're new you get an orange apron, just like the employees wear. We have found that our apron is good for all sorts of pretend play, especially in our play kitchen, but also art projects and playdough. We always have wonderful time at "Build-it Day" and again its free (I imagine they make up the $ in good will and other purchases) and they do it at every store.

Here's my discovery though...their rival, a blue hued store, has a similar thing on the second Tuesday of the month!

1 comment:

will smama said...

There is a grandmother in my congregation who is in charge of her VERY busy grandson. She's got the whole town mapped and scheduled out - including the orange and the blue store.