Thursday, February 10, 2005

Life moves fast...

So the short version of the weeks events...Boo Hoo for the Eagles, crossed fingers for a job interview, and my little boy walks, claps and says banana.

I kinda knew that banana would be his first word (technically his fourth word after Mama, Da and bye-bye). Two months ago I handed him a whole banana to hold while I got something ready for him to eat. While I was busy, he started in on it, peel first, chewing through to the sweet gooey middles. Fascinated, I continue to hand him whole bananas. You rarely see anyone enjoy anything as much as he enjoys bananas.

Book of the Day: I just finished Dress Rehearsal by Jennifer O'Connell. Lauren makes high class wedding cakes and thinks she can predict the success of the marriage by how the bride and groom choose the cake. It seems like a typical contemporary romance novel, except that it isn't. Its about growing up and moving on. Unpredictably refreshing and satisfying. Don't you just want a banana now?

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