Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday5 for me - Leaping

It was Leap Day!!
I always think that leap day should be a holiday...I mean who says we should give that day to our workplace every 4 years...course I am unemployed so...

Tell us about a time you:

1. Leapt before looked
Hmmm. Ummmm.
Ok, welll there was...
No, but wait I...

2. Leapt to a conclusion
That when Hubby said Let's go for a drive,
we end up going for ice cream.
I knew it.

3. Took a Leap of Faith
Well here we are in corn country, so I'll say this Fall!

4. Took a literal Leap
Right now. Really. With Flash.

5. And finally, what might you be faced with leaping in the coming year?
New job, I hope. Oh Please.
Maybe a new career?
Get used to the town, the lifestyle
This is less of a leap year and more of a transition year, for me.

I think.
You know, its hard to tell at this point isn't it?


The Nolans said...

Great to see your blog! Love the picture of "Flash" jumping off the bed ;). Good luck finding a job - I know the predicament. Can I put a link to your blog on mine, or do you want to keep your privacy?

jennifer said...

Hey guys! Its the Rigoulots!! Hope yall are doing well...we are job hunting right now and ready to leave this place! I have the same question as or no link?? :)

hip2b said...

Link if you'd like!
Great to hear from you both!