Friday, March 05, 2010

Friday5: Spring Cleaning

I'm feelin' down ladies and gentlemen so here goes;

1. Is there a part of your spiritual life that is dry and dusty at the moment, something that could do with a good spring clean?
Yes...all of it. I am questioning the whole darn thing. Prayer is superficial, church is anemic.

2. Spiritual disciplines- life-giving/ terrifying: discuss
Slight...some minor devotion reading. Prayers with kids or during the school's "moment of silence" Thats it.

3. Share a practice that keeps you spiritually alive that you think others might benefit from...
Hmmmm. Nope, you'd better share with me. I got nuthin'

4.Alone or together, how do you pray best?
ALONE. Just need some impetus.

5.If your spiritual life were to burgeon and bloom into a spring flower what would it be and why?
I've been thinking about gladiolas recently (Flash and I are reading The Enormous Egg) so for no other reason,,,gladiolas.

1 comment:

Terri said...

oh geeze...I am thinking of you all the time, these days...what with the job thing...I too am doing some serious talking with God these days. I drag me all the way out to Arizona for that place? what was the point of that? and now, jobless, no income, and who knows when that will change? that what GOD had in mind when I was called into ordination?

somehow i just keep thinking that this is not about God but about humans....but I also keep wondering where, then, is God in all this?

sigh. I mean...I think I have some idea of how you are feeling.


praying all will be well with you and all will GET well with me...