Saturday, March 21, 2009

Saturday5: Hope!

Share with us five signs of hope that you can see today or have experienced in the past.
1. Today we took my bike to the repair shop and bought one for Hubby. Together we've lost about 40 lbs. since new baby was born, and now we'll have bikes!
2. New baby continues to grow by leaps and bounds and Flash is 3 foot 8! Most nights I get to sleep.
3. Had no voice on Monday and Tuesday and struggled with it the rest of the week. I'll go to choir practice on Sunday and probably be able to do it!
4. My NCAA bracketts are holding up OK. More games tonight!
5. Hubby will have a new work computer in about a week so I'll probably be able to blog again. It has been really hard having NO COMPUTER at all. Surprisingly so, frankly.
6. Spring break is here! Weather has been fantastic and I am on the lookout for an inexpensive spring jacket. By the time I find what I want hopefully: a. It'll be hot enough not to need one, b. I'll be skinnier and c. It'll be time to look for a fall jacket.
7. I made my plans to go to the big ALA conference in Chicago this summer and I'm brining the family! Woohoo!
8. I talked with all of my family members this week. Everyone is doing well.
9. I'll have a new computer automation system at the library when I get back, and I am confident that it will be better and make life easier.
10. I am on my blog today and at the library with only the baby...doesn't that sound hopeful, just by itself!!!


Unknown said...

It all sounds hopeful!

Terri said...

I often look for spring jackets with the same hopes you have - as a result I no spring jackets...LOL

Looking forward to your new computer. When will you be in Chicago?

hip2b said...

I'll be in Chicago July 9-11? That weekend, whatever it is.