Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Had a good day today. Many of my best days are the ones I spend with Flash.
We went to the library and I met the director.
Actually she saw my name when I checked out
and recognized that I had submitted an application to that library.
They don't have any openings, and rarely do, but she was very nice
and said she'd keep an eye out for a job for me in the area.

The library is across the street from the church so we stopped by to visit Dad.
He needed to make a hospital visit in the big town 20 minutes away,
so we all piled in the van, picked up some lunch and tagged along.
The Happy meal toy was a pirates bandana, a natural for my costume-loving boy.
But pirates are still a little scary. We hung out in the car while Hubby visited,
then hit the store for a new baseball mitt or glove
(I keep getting corrected and I don't know which one is right.)
And we couldn't leave the store without a pair of superman pjs.

So we came home and Hubby did some phone visiting
while Flash changed into the PJs and his cowboy bots
and played out in the yard for a few hours. some Sun tea.
Planned our visit to GA (Flash and I are going to spend two extra days!
Hubby has presbytery anyhow).
Some pizza, Scooby-Doo and soon...Flash will have a bath.
He loves a bath. Toss in some Rescue Heroes and a few pennies
and an underwater treasure adventure begins!

1 comment:

Terri said...

Sounds like a fun day...