Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I don't know where this blog is going right now. I don't seem to have much to say.
I am busy with work, family and the looming future.
Things are a little tense around here.
We'll find out about ords soon, then job-hunting begins in earnest.
But we just got that nice note from housing about moving out
and another about daycare for Flash.
Lots of things need to happen in a short three or four months.
Hubby says it will all work out.
Faith huh?
Deep Breath...
OK, I can do faith for about a day and a half at a time now,
with only moments of doubt.
One day and a half at a time. Lilies of the field...Sparrows...

ps... I have discovered, as a result of this post and a long heart-felt talk,
that I didn't know much about the process
and that we will have some more things
to do for the presbytery between the ords and the call-hunting.
Probably not 3-4 months. Probably looking for a contingency plan.
Feeling a little more informed, and a little ill.
Sparrows... Lilies...

1 comment:

Terri said...

Oh, I remember those days of uncertainty and waiting. I was put on hold fro 6 months before "they" would ordain me...long story...and that kind of delay rarely happens. But it meant we had to move out of student housing (me, husband, 2 kids, dog and cats...). It was difficult to know what was the right thing to do: where to move, where would I eventually get a call, etc. BUT one thing I learned...it DOES all work out. So, go for that 1-1/2 days at at time and just keep renewing it every 1-1/2 days...prayers for ((you)) and your ((family)).