Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday 5: My Mama told me...

I read the RevGalBlogPals all the time and each Friday they have a five point question that they invite all of their bloggers to contribute to. This week the topic is five things your parents repeated to you as a child.
My mom was famous for the "I'm the Mommy, You're the child" line but mostly that was directed towards my wild sister. This morning my son started calling me by my given name, because he heard his father use it and it struck me as so WRONG. And slightly sad (but I am working on very little sleep, courtesy of the whippersnapper). And I am reminded that I called my father DaddyMikell when I was small so...what goes around comes around. I hope he'll start calling me Mama again soon.
Yes...Mama not Mommy, although I get that sometimes too. I like it better even though my mother was Mommy (until she was promoted to Mom). My husband is Dad...I guess he doesn't need to be promoted. So, for me I suppose the line is "I'm the Mama, you're the child"...until I get promoted.

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