Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chicago part2

Well Hubby did bring them up and it went very very well.! Flash was very good in the Exhibit Hall. It helped that so much of it was kid focused. He may have even helped to perfect a computer program for kids. He also built a tower with some fun building toys, drew on a smartboard and received a balloon animal cat. Oh and books. They came around 11 and stayed until 2:30. I thought that maybe my momma's oy would be sad to go home and leave me at the conference, but no. He was happy to watch a DVD in the van and say See you tomorrow Mommy". I was also worried about Cosy but she was happy to see me, happy to ride in the stroller and smile at conference attendees and happy to be buckled in to go home. While we were together she was changed twice, sucked down a bottle and a half and napped. Its a big life.

Hotel next time..

1 comment:

Terri said...

YAY - glad all went well. If there's one thing we can cound on with kids - they never do what we expect, and sometimes the surprise is a pleasant one!