Very tired. the weekend was very taxing on the family. 4 congregation members have died in the past week. Funerals, visitations, and community events and meetings plus church and poor pastor-hubby's birthday. He seems to be handling it all but I am fried. Just not enough sleep and things at the house are overly messy. My garage sale is this coming weekend and I don't think I'll have any help at all. We are swapping nights all over the place this week. He's out tonight, I'm out tomorrow night, then we're splitting Wednesday. Meeting for him Thursday and on and on.
I'm also trying to figure out who will take care of Flash and Cosy on June 4. Its my last day at school and they've scheduled an all-day training so I can't bring the baby. Daycare is over on the 3rd for both kids and Hubby has COM an hour away. We don't have family anywhere nearby and we hesitate to use church members for the most part. Can you imagine having an older church member stay at your house with your kids all day?? Too intrusive. I'd worry all day, and this after I spent the prior few days cleaning the house more than I would for my own father!
Still having problems with church as you can tell, I guess. Got all emotional last night about it. I am getting ready for my biyearly "worship-somewhere-else"...if I have the nerve to do it. Or maybe I'll wimp out and enjoy worship when we go on vacation in a month and a half.
My husband and I have had some pretty challenging experiences with the church here too - so I understand...and hold you in prayer...I would have no issue with my husband going to another church but as it turns out he ends up having to work most Sunday's and gets to avoid the one-on-one contact that way...then all he has to do is deal my stress and stories of this place...sigh...I totally would NOT want some old person from the parish watching my kids...absolutely not... I think your husband may need to miss a COM's the only fair and wise thing to do. (he might not agree...but...)
Any chance the judicatory could provide childcare at the site of the COM meeting? That would be good for everyone. And there's a month to plan it.
(verification word: siting)
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