Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What am I doing?

I know people who will tell you everything about themselves within a week of knowing them. Some people's blogs are like that. Maybe mine is in some ways.
This has been on my mind so I guess I'll share.

Do you know people who will tell you all about everything? Loves, Loathes, relationships, politics? I won't include religion because...that sort of our business. I find myself wondering how they can be so free about their innermost thinking. I would say "private lives" but the connotation is wrong.
How many people know your politics, and not just party but, your views on all the hot buttons?
Darn few.
I wonder why I'm even talking about this. I'm wondering why I blog and whats appropriate to blog.
I know if I don't blog I'll lose touch with some friends and that the connections I've made, especially in the revgals, will go away and I think I'll miss that. I think that this forum of support may become even more meaningful for me in the coming future. Some of you might even want to follow the progress my family is making, how God is acting in our lives now at the end of seminary.
So, I'll continue but you'll have to understand that I get so much more out of reading others blogs right now than I do telling you about whats going on here.
Because theres nothing profound happening most days.
Just eat sleep work play and watch the laundry pile grow.

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