Saturday, January 29, 2005

School Report blues

Please, allow me a little rant.
At work today I had a kid tell me that he'd wanted to do Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for his Biography report but "he was already taken" so he chose Alicia Keys. What really upsets me are these kids who are assigned an obscure person for their project (or worse yet, choose some ball player) but they have no idea who Thurgood Marshall, Eleanor Roosevelt or Thomas Edison were. Are teachers just bored of reading reports on heroes?

On to happier things...
I'm not a motorcycle chick, but this book...Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor (yeah..him) and Charley Boorman is very, very cool. They rode their motorcycles most of the way around the world. Woo-hoo!

Still working on the new-ish Jennifer Cruisie Charlie All Night. A not-so-trashy contemporary paperback romance. Guilty pleasure!

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